Great Article from SportsEd TV: ACL Injuries in Volleyball

 SportsEd TV and ACL Injuries in Volleyball

SportsEd TV has uploaded two great articles discussing the increased risk for ACL injuries in volleyball players. 

In the first article, ACL Injuries in Volleyball (click here to read), SportsEdTV discuss certain factors which lead to an increase in injury to volleyball players, particularly in female athletes. The article also discusses how a coach could evaluate this risk in your players.

The second article, ACL Injuries in Volleyball – Part II (click here to read), continues from this article. This article investigates the question:

    • Once you assess them, what do you do with that information?
    • Is there a way to address this with training?

    • By addressing this with training, will this mitigate their risk for injury?

To tackle these questions, the article discusses a study documenting the positive outcome of dorsaVi wearable sensor technology and the Athletic Movement Index (AMI). This study (Garner et al, Int J Kin Sport Sci, 2020) aptly demonstrates how data provided by the AMI assessment allows for specifically tailored programs that resulted in successful injury prevention for Division I female volleyball athletes. The article discusses a series of research studies and draws the main point from the conclusions: the dynamic warm up. The article then discusses the importance of a dynamic warm up, exemplifying key exercises through incredibly useful videos.


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