10-41 Discuss How Their Athletes, Coaches, and Parents Have Responded To Using DorsaVi's AMI?

Patient Care and the AMI

When deliberating whether dorsaVi’s Athletic Movement Module (AMI) is a fit for their clinic, many potential customers ask our sales team about the impact the test and the test results have on the athlete: can patients interpret and understand the results of their AMI test? How easy is it for the clinician to explain the results to their athlete, or even to the athlete’s parents? And what are their feelings about the AMI tests? 

To answer this question, we thought it best to ask one of our existing customers: Courtney Green, physical therapist, and Jeff Hannah, Conditioning Coach, from 10-41 Strength and Physical Therapy. 10-41 Strength and Physical Therapy is the first facility in Alabama to partner strength coaches with a full-time physical therapist and have been reaping the benefits of AMI, using and avidly enjoying the technology

In a few quick and easy video clips down below, you can listen to Green and Hannah explain the positive outcome and customer satisfaction they have received as a result of using the AMI. Key to client satisfaction, and parent satisfaction, is the repetitive testing and the ability to compare data continuously as it allows the clinicians to monitor and quantify their athlete’s progress. The ability to see and understand this data, provides athletes, coaches, and even parents with the reassurance that they are being taken care of. This system allows them to feel safe. Watch the videos below to see their full answers!

How do the parents react to dorsaVi technology? 

How did dorsaVi allow you to individualize patient programme and help build trust with your clients and save them money?  

Have you received any complaints from parents or athletes about AMI testing? 

If you want to hear more about 10-41's successful integration of dorsaVi technology at their facility you can sign up to watch the rest of the webinar here! They further discuss how the AMI helped them:  

  • Capture and utilize detailed movement analytics
  • Optimize performance analysis and patient recovery 
  • Generate additional revenue for the practice


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