
Showing posts from October, 2021

Interesting Research Article: Age Is More Predictive of Safe Movement Patterns Than Are Physical Activity or Sports Specialization A Prospective Motion Analysis Study of Young Athletes

  Age Is More Predictive of Safe Movement Patterns Than Are Physical Activity or Sports Specialization A Prospective Motion Analysis Study of Young Athletes  by Madison R. Heath, Joseph J. Janosky, Angelo Pegno,  Jonathan M. Schachne, and Peter D. Fabricant,*z MD, MPH Published in the AM Journal of Sports Medicine, 2021   Listen to the discussion as we interview Joe Janosky, the Director of Injury Prevention Programs for the Sports Medicine Institute at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) in New York City. We will discuss his published research article "Age is More Predictive of Safe Movement Than are Physical Activity or Sports Specialization: A Prospective Motion Analysis Study of Young Athletes", about how the HSS team gathered the data as well as the key findings and how these findings can be related to the everyday clinician. ...

Does Sport Specialization Increase Risk for Injury?

Sport Specialization and the AMI Studies have shown that children who participate in sport have an improved quality of life. They are less likely to smoke or to be truant at school and are more likely to maintain good grades. With over 7.8 million kids participating in interscholastic sports each year, sports injuries are inevitable, and dorsaVi designed the Athletic Movement Index (AMI) with the goal to minimize that risk of injury where possible.  DorsaVi’s interest lies predominantly with injury prevention for the lower extremity, specifically knee and ACL injury. Why do we hold a strong focus here?  Ingram et al ( American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2008 ) study showed that the most reported athletic injury between the ages of 15 and 25 is a knee injury.  Fernandez et al ( American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2007 ) showed lower extremity injuries account for 60-70% of all injuries in high school athlete populations.  Rechel et at ( Journal of Trauma and Acute C...

Kevin Hammes and His Excellent Use of DorsaVi's Running Module

DorsaVi's ViMove Running Module Although this blog is dedicated to dorsaVi’s Athletic Movement Module (AMI), customers and potential clients often approach our sales team with an interest in purchasing dorsaVi’s Running Module in addition to the AMI module. The dorsaVi Running Module is an excellent addition to the AMI and helps further assess athletes by measuring key components of their running style:  Initial Peak Acceleration (IPA) – The vertical acceleration at foot strike, measured in gs. Ground Reaction Force (GRF) – Average vertical force applied to the ground during the midstance phase of the gait cycle, measured in Newtons of force.  Absolute Symmetry Index – The symmetry of forces side to side, measuring the percentage of asymmetry between average GRF values. Ground Contact Time (GCT) – average time on the ground per footfall, measured in ms. We would love to take the time to congratulate Kevin Hammes, PTA, and his client, Brandon, on an awesome race, powered by dor...

Watch the AMI in Action with Dr Seun Adigan and the Nigerian Bobsled Team

Revisiting Dr Seun Adigun and Team Nigeria with the AMI In a previous post, we talked about the amazing work Dr Seun Adigan has been doing with dorsaVi technology and Team Nigeria's Bobsled team as the athletes prepare themselves for Winter Olympics 2022. As the team continues to lean on the expertize and experience of Dr Seun Adigan,  chiropractor, biomechanist, and 2x- Nigerian Olympian, we caught up with her to find out how she has been using the AMI.  Watch the video down below to see how this team has been using and benefitting from dorsaVi technology!  This video perfectly demonstrates how the AMI can be utilised for muscle testing, injury prevention, and rehabilitation.  If you would like to learn more about the AMI and utilising our amazing technology, watch our on demand webinar  here and learn how the dorsaVi AMI Module can help your athlete on the road to recovery!!!